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Hugo Muller:智能和自动切换,计数,计量和控制设备的制造商。时间开关,主时钟,小时计,小时计...
该公司由Hugo Muller于1929年创立。如今,它以其两个强大的品牌“Muller”和“paladin”而闻名。Hugo Muller的产品主要用于工业和系统技术以及建筑安装。Hugo Muller产品组合包括时间开关,黄昏开关,经过时间计数器和一系列用于建筑系统技术的产品,以及楼梯定时器,调光器以及用于气候和系统控制(KNX)的设备。
在很短的时间内,Hugo Muller在当地成为众所周知的高品质扬声器,耳机,无线电装配套件,收音机以及稍后的无线电时间开关的制造商。
对于Hugo Muller来说,电子产品的变化发生在1978年,当时第一次能够编程一年的开关被引入市场。它的成功也几乎是预先编程的 - 新产品获得了极大的好评。
今天,时间转换仍然是Hugo Muller产品系列和关键能力的重要元素,尽管其功能有待持续改进。这一特点反映了Hugo Muller公司未来的目标:标准产品系列的一致优化和扩展,包括量身定制的产品,以满足客户的特定需求。近年来,Muller家族的第三代人担任公司管理层。这清楚地表明,主要目标是公司的不断发展。
Hugo Muller: Manufacturer of smart and automatic switching, counting, metering and controlling devices. Time switch, master clock, hour meter, hour co…
The company was founded by Hugo Muller in 1929. Today it is famous for its two powerful brands “Muller” and “paladin”. The produced products are mainly used for industry and system technology as well as for building installation. The product portfolio comprises time switches, twilight switches, elapsed time counters and a series of products for the building systems technology as well as staircase timers, dimmers and also devices for climate and system controlling (KNX).
Within a very short time the innovative company had become well known in the locality as a manufacturer of high quality loudspeakers, headphones, radio assembly kits, radios and sometime later, radio time switches.
For Hugo Muller, the change to electronics occurred in 1978, when the first time switch capable of being programmed for a year was introduced to the market. Its success was also virtually pre-programmed – the new product was exceptionally well received.
Today, time switches continue to be an important element of the product range and key competency of Hugo Muller, albeit with features which are subject to continuous improvement. This characteristic reflects the Company's objective for the future: The consistent optimization and expansion of the standard product range, including tailor-made products to meet individual customer specific needs. In recent years the third generation of the Muller family has assumed the company management. This is a clear indication that the main ambition is the continuous development of the company.
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